AI is coming for your job

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.


No, this email isn’t all about real estate tech. T.E.C.H. is an acronym for “Technology, Education, Coaching, and How to.”

I’m sending out an email each week with bit-sized snippets in each category that you can use to better your real estate business.

Here’s the first-ever:

🖥️[T]echnology: AI is coming for your job…jk…maybe

📝[E]ducation: We can do better…

👩‍🏫[C]oaching: What is the ROI of your database?

🎥[H]ow To: Make better content


ChatGPT - Ad Nauseum

If you haven’t heard the term ChatGPT hundreds of times in the past month, you may be living under a rock. 🪨 ChatGPT is an online artificial intelligence tool with which you can ask questions and even have conversations. The crazy thing is it does in fact learn and improve based on your inputs. 🤯

I even did a full webinar on the Future of AI in Real Estate last week.

Here are the highlights:

  • AI can write listing descriptions better and faster than you can. (ChatGPT) 🖊️

  • You should be using AI to write value based emails to your entire database weekly (more on this later). (ChatGPT)


  • AI will transform the real estate photography business by allowing agents to take photos with their phones and have them all edited and staged by AI (Interior.AI)


  • AI will make editing videos as easy as editing the text in an email (Descript)


If you want to watch the replay and/or get pre written emails delivered directly to your inbox every week for you to swipe and steal. CLICK HERE


We can do better…

One of the things that’s severely lacking in our profession is the lack of education. You go through a few classes, then all of a sudden you are in charge of the biggest financial decision of your client's life.💰 I see an abundance of companies tout their training as the “best in the business”, yet their average agent only sells 6 homes per year. 🤔🤔

Is it the training or the agent?

I’m a huge fan of Jon Cheplak, and in one of his most recent posts he posed and answered the question, “Do you want to make Pro Level Athlete money? Then you’ve got to train like a Professional Athlete”.💪Their practices are your showings, their games are your closings. Their meetings, strength and conditioning, and film review are your training, practicing scripts, learning new marketing, etc. You think they get in the game if they skip any of those?

There are an abundance of resources available to agents 100% free and without brokerage affiliation.

Here are a few besides Jon to check out: ⬇️⬇️ - shameless plug. We interview some of the best agents from brokerages all around and dive deep into their niche and what makes them successful. - Too many great resources on this one to list, but the White Papers are a great place to start. - Inman used to be incredible but more recently has become more of a tabloid. was started by Stefan Swanepoel, an icon in our industry.

GaryVee - NSFW - Gary is as polarizing as they get but he knows what he’s talking about. He’s light years ahead of the average marketer and as real as they get.


What is the ROI of your database?

I’ve spent well over $100K in lead generation over the years. Some of it was great (while it lasted), some of it was a complete waste of money. 😢 With that said, I was always fearful of sending regular emails to my database.



Honestly, because my emails sucked and I was afraid of being spammy. I was too focused on getting the referral or the deal instead of providing value.

If you want to be the trusted advisor, show your database that you’re trustworthy. Give them your deeply guarded real estate secrets (it’s all online anyway).🤫 Become their agent and the person they think of by sending them valuable emails on a weekly basis.




Take the time to perfect your craft. (See above on training like a professional athlete). Provide your database with market updates, top places to eat in your town, your favorite park, etc. If you’re bad at writing, do video. If you’re bad at video, learn to write. 📝

So what’s the return on investment (ROI)?

5 Million % 🤑

Because unlike buying leads, it doesn’t cost you anything.

[H]ow To:

Increase visibility, credibility and provide value

How-to videos are the easiest ways to establish yourself as an expert, while also reaching a wider audience.😊 Think back to any conversation you have had with a client, what are the most asked questions, what do clients always need help with?

You’ve got an endless supply of how-to videos that are ensured to have a audience. Still need help with content? Check out one of my how-to videos, (took less than 2 minutes to film and post) as well as a list of ideas below.

  • How to prepare your home for a showing

  • How to find the best neighborhood for you

  • How to create a moving plan

  • How to create a budget for home buying

  • How to save up to buy your first home

🛑 Don’t forget to check out the replay of our “Future of AI in Real Estate” 

Thanks for reading TECH!

Ty Morton