Cops Need to Chill

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty. 

šŸ¤– [T]echnology: NERF for Real Estate
šŸŽ“ [E]ducation/Entertainment: Cops Need to Chill
šŸ’Ŗ[C]oaching: Repurpose/Jimmy Mackin is the Man
šŸ“¹ [H]ow To: Stay Top of Mind this Holiday Season



No, Iā€™m not talking about the soft foam darts we used to shoot each other with as kids. Nor the new ball blasters that I bought for my kids last year and decided not to give them because I donā€™t trust 7-11 year olds with projectiles that fly 70+ft/sec. āŒāŒ

Iā€™m talking about NeRF or Neural Radience Field Technology - a neural rendering model that learns a high-resolution 3D scene in seconds ā€” and can render images of that scene in a few milliseconds.

Yes, Iā€™m a NeRD. 

LumaLabs recently launched FlyThroughs. Which utilizes NeRF tech and AI to create 3D models of your listings and make it seem like youā€™re ā€œflying throughā€ the home. šŸ›ø

Itā€™s really freaking cool. 


I donā€™t think itā€™s quite there yetā€¦meaning, I probably wouldnā€™t use it on a listing over $250k. 

While the examples on their website look pretty incredible, here was my 20 sec trial.

Maybe I walked too fast? šŸ¤· I can only assume this tech will continue to get better and blur the lines between 3D tours and video walk-throughs.


Tell me you donā€™t understand technology without telling me you donā€™t understand technologyā€¦

Iā€™ve seen this posted and shared countless times on social media over the past few days. 

Obviously, the police departments donā€™t understand how this technology works or that (I regretfully admit) Android phones have had this feature for years. šŸ™„šŸ™„

I assume that theyā€™re scared that nefarious human beings are going to walk by and tap your phone to steal your contact infoā€¦thatā€™s not how this works.

  1. Your phone has to be unlocked

  2. You must have wifi on

  3. You actually have to confirm what youā€™re sharing

The moral of the story is not to freak out and not believe in clickbait headlines. Hereā€™s how it actually works.


We put out a TON of contentā€¦and I get it; it can be exhausting. I probably consume 5-10x the content that we put out. Sometimes, it can feel like information overload, but share and repurpose the content youā€™re already consuming.

So, the coaching section this week is two-foldā€¦

My tip is to legit go into your email and find an email from a lender, or your broker, or even a Tech with Ty email. Take a clip, a screenshot, or a snippet, and post it. šŸ“±šŸ“±

DONā€™T overthink it, but DO give the original creator credit where credit is due. 

Part Deux: Want to know how to Attract Listings in 2024?

Check out Jimmy Mackinā€™s Playbook

This might be will be the best hour and half you spend this week.

[H]ow To (with Abby):

The holiday season is the busiest time of the year. It is also one of the busiest times for marketing, with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas offering numerous days to capitalize on. 

This is usually when realtors get their 2024 calendars šŸ“… ready to send out to clients. Don't get me wrong; it's a great way to stay in touch. However, I'm going to provide you with a few other options.

  1. Holiday Giveaway: Tis the season of giving, right? Offer a social media contest where everyone comments a photo of their Holiday decorations and the best house gets a prize. šŸ’°I would 10000% consider partnering with a local business for prizes. Not only will this help you keep in touch with the community, but Iā€™m sure the local business will return the favor by either handing out your business cards or sharing your post on social media. 


  2. Photos with Santa: I have started seeing this more and more, but I think it is an amazing idea. Host an event and invite all your clients to get their family's pictures professionally taken with Santa šŸŽ…šŸ» for FREE. This gives you an opportunity to socialize with clients, all while supplying them with a professional photo.


  3. Gingerbread Decorating Party: Purchase several gingerbread house decorating kits along with a variety of candies, arrange drinks and snacks, and craft a memorable holiday gathering for your clients.


  4. Promote a Charity: There are numerous approaches to executing this. One option is to integrate it into an existing holiday client event you're organizing. Encourage attendees to bring a toy for donation to Toys for Tots šŸ§ø or canned goods for a local food bank. Alternatively, consider aligning with an organization already engaged in charitable activities.  


  5. Holiday Wrapping Kit: I swear that every year, when the holidays roll around, I buy all my gifts for everyone, and I never have any wrapping paper. Some people live for wrapping presents šŸŽ, I do not. Grab a basket and get a bundle together filled with wrapping paper, tape, bows, and to and from tags. Drop it off door to door, and Iā€™m sure your clients will be very grateful for it.  

I know the holidays are busy, but this is the perfect time to show appreciation. I am curious, what do you typically do every year? What do you find works for you? 

Watch / listen last week's Tech with Ty here. ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø

-Ty Morton