Email Your Freaking Clients!

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.


🤖 [T]echnology: Lead Gen

🎓 [E]ducation/Entertainment: Are We There Yet?

💪[C]oaching: Email Your Freaking Clients!

📹 [H]ow To: Know When to Make a Change



If you have ever entered the depths of hell, aka Real Estate Mastermind on Facebook, you know that one of the most popular questions is, “What are the best lead sources?” 🤔


Inevitably, the comments are filled with an overabundance of recommendations.


Without question, the recommendations I see from the same people over and over are Grizzlyleads and Deluxer.


I am NOT endorsing either of these platforms. 


I find it suspicious that they would be so heavily promoted. Most agents guard their lead gen strategies more than Fort Knox. So, for these agents to be shouting from the rooftop that these are the best gives me pause. I even saw one post that claimed that these companies are actually the same, and because they’re so terrible, they keep changing names or starting new DBAs. This is pure speculation, and I have no idea if that’s true.


Regardless, I’m not here to warn you about a problem that may not exist; I’m here to share some lead gen strategies that do work!

Check out Jimmy’s video:

Remember, everything works; nothing doesn’t.


Are we there yet? 

In the never-ending saga of the NAR and DOJ, the past week has seen numerous headlines claiming that the DOJ is reopening its case. Well, it is, kind of. ⬇️⬇️

The DOJ is simply doing exactly what it said it wanted to do…possibly. 

This isn’t the same as the DOJ’s statement of interest regarding MLS PIN or even the NAR’s proposed settlement on the Sitzer/Burnett case.

Confused yet? 😖

Let’s rewind…

Back in 2020, the NAR came to an agreement with the DOJ (or so they thought). 

Among other things, here is what the DOJ and NAR agreed to:

 Realtors can no longer say that buyer representation is “FREE.”

MLS needed to prohibit searching and sorting by commission rates.

Ok, so what does all this mean? Why are they revisiting a case from 2020?

Because in 2021, the DOJ withdrew from the settlement. (Get the full back story here)

So now what? ⬇️⬇️

Well, now a circuit court said the DOJ can reopen the investigation.


What they really want to be able to look into, and what the NAR desperately doesn’t want them to look into, is the clear cooperation policy. Keep in mind the DOJ is not a party to any of the current proposed settlements, so they’re not bound to anything. Also, the original investigation was a civil settlement. Does the DOJ want to file criminal charges against the NAR? No idea, but here’s a hot take:

Is The Department of Justice Trying To Eliminate NAR? 😳

Byron and Nicole discuss the reopening of the NAR investigation with the DOJ and what they think their intentions are with doing this.Watch the full episode ...

So the short answer to “Are We There Yet?” is - not even close.



I’ve been a broken record on emailing your clients and doing videos.

The objective is the exact same. ⬇️⬇️ 

Just like video, you need to be the trusted advisor for your clients via email. You need to provide them with real estate related content and education before they Google it. 

Email is such an easy thing to do, and it’s FREE! 

So, where do you start? 

Here’s a great video on how to turn your email list into listings:

[H]ow To:


Since the settlement was announced, I have been noticing a lot of changes. 👀 As someone who isn’t an agent but is in office everyday, I have the ability to observe what is really going on through an unbiased lens. 🔍


There have been many shifts. People leaving teams, people joining teams, people switching brokerages, people wanting to change up how they run their business. 


I would argue the NAR settlement is a big reason why. 

When do you decide to make that big leap? 🐸


The NAR settlement was a big shake up and people want to feel comfortable with so much uncertainty. Let's forget about money for a second. 😮😮 Besides finances, how do you know when you need to make a change? 

Do you feel supported? 

Are you given valuable resources? 

How much collaboration are you getting? How much do you want? 

Are you getting opportunities for growth? 

Are you excited about the future where you are? 

Do you feel valued? 

What would you want to gain by making a change? 

Have you talked to your leadership? (Both your broker and team leader, if you are on a team) 

Is there anything else going on in your life right now that will add stress on top of a big change? 

How long have you felt unsatisfied with the way things are? 


These are questions you need to ask yourself as you start to decide if you want change and what that change looks like. Some would even argue with a big shake up potentially coming in July, why add to the stress? Stay where you are at and where you are comfortable.


BUT, if you have asked yourself those questions above and the answer was remotely the same, will you be better off dealing with this in July without the resources or support you need?  

-Ty Morton