Tech with Ty


šŸ¤– [T]echnology: Final Cut
šŸŽ“ [E]ducation/Entertainment: FUD
šŸ’Ŗ[C]oaching: I Feel Dirty
šŸ“¹ [H]ow To: Learn to Sell Yourself


Iā€™ve yearned for the day that a multi-cam solution would be readily available and easy to use. We used Mevo cams for years, but the quality wasnā€™t even close to the iPhone. Then we used Switcher Studio, which actually does great but comes with a hefty monthly subscription. Finally, we ended up using a mix of 1-3 iPhones and either cropping or manually merging clips at different anglesā€¦not ideal. šŸ¤·

Final Cut Pro, one of the premier video editing applications now owned by Apple may have the solution weā€™ve been waiting forā€¦


In my 10 minutes of testing, Iā€™ve already run into two issues.

  1. The footage I recorded on the iPad couldnā€™t be edited on the timeline.

  2. We tried a different device and couldnā€™t connect to known devices that the iPad COULD see.

Again, this could certainly be user error. Like any new technology, I jump in head first and only read/watch tutorials when I run into issues. At least some of these issues could be caused by my already using iOS18 Beta on my iPhone, which has created a compatibility issue. šŸ“±

With Apple owning the hardware and software, I actually have faith that this one could be a winner. So stay tuned. Weā€™ll certainly be putting this through the wringer!


Iā€™ve discussed clickbait headlines in the past that prey on fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), but Iā€™ve also seen a recent tsunami šŸŒŠ of headlines that flat out say that we are getting ready for the biggest real estate crash weā€™ve ever seen. 

As many of you know, I opened my brokerage in 2007ā€¦not the ideal timeā€¦but also what made us who we are today. However, Dayton, OH, has never had the massive swings that other markets have experienced.

Much of the focus in the recent headlines is on southern states like Texas and Florida. Both have experienced insane growth from those looking to relocate to warmer climates or the rising number of AirBnbs, but also affordability issues caused by the aforementioned growth and skyrocketing insurance. šŸš€

So, will the bubble pop? šŸ«§

I happened to be on the phone with my buddy Nimesh, a rockstar RE/MAX broker in Houston, to see how he was doing after Hurricane Beryl came through. (Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers. As of writing this, they are on day 4 of no power and ridiculous heat.) 

The short answer was that new construction is still moving quickly.

 So, how do you combat click bait with the real facts?

Did you know that NAR has an account on X that posts regular updates with real statistics like these:

Use those.

Iā€™m not saying theyā€™ll all be headlines that youā€™ll love, but at least youā€™ll be armed with facts.


Sometimes I feel dirty posting YouTube videos in this section. I donā€™t want it to ever seem like Iā€™m just pawning off the responsibility of writing this section to whatever real estate coach made a new video this week.

But sometimes a video or message just hits you thoughā€¦ā¬‡ļø

Itā€™s okā€¦you can call me selfish ;)

[H]ow To: With Abby

Iā€™ll be honest. Usually, I can come up with anything to talk about. But this is the first full work week after the 4th of July, and my brain is fried. šŸ¤• So I did what Tyler would never suggest I do: I looked at Real Estate Mastermind on Facebook. šŸ˜Š

Iā€™m obviously not licensed, but I am surprised that when you are studying to get your real estate license, you arenā€™t required to have some marketing knowledge. One thing I will say is that he mentions having no knowledge of sales but then talks about marketing; the two are not the same. āŒ

Marketing is all about creating brand awareness and building client relationships, while sales is about closing the deal. There is a reason I donā€™t make a commission off the products I advertise. 

Unfortunately, I canā€™t give you much advice on improving your door-knocking or cold-calling skills, but I can advise you on how to improve your marketing skills. We are currently in a seller's market without any change in the future, so as of now, you are primarily trying to market yourself rather than a listing. šŸ” (The market changes, though, so one day, that home isnā€™t going to sell in a matter of weeks.)

How do you improve your skills besides reading me ramble about marketing each week in this how-to section? Like with any skill: experience or education. ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø

We will start with education: I was lucky enough to spend six years in college getting an associate's and bachelorā€™s in Digital Marketing and Marketing. Iā€™m assuming you donā€™t have six years to spare getting that sheet of paper. Lucky for you, there are loads of marketing courses you can take. Here are a few I suggest:

Now, one big takeaway I want you to have is that every single one of these courses is run by a notable, real business.

The world of marketing is FILLED with scams. Please do not sign up for a course sold to you by Joe Schmo you have never heard of until you got an advertisement on Facebook that he grew his followers by 2 million in one week. āŒ

Or you could pay a marketer to do this for youā€¦totally up to you. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

-Ty Morton