Tech with Ty

Holy House Bill Hannah

Tech with Ty.


🤖 [T]echnology: Goodbye Descript

🎓 [E]ducation/Entertainment: Holy House Bill Hannah

💪[C]oaching: Do the work.

📹 [H]ow To: Save Time



Well, it was a good run. For the past year and a half, we’ve been using a product called Descript.


It was the best at isolating vocals for better audio until now. 👀👀


This past week, we started using Auphonic.


To say that it creates better audio is an understatement. ⬇️

I like that it focuses on audio, whereas many other products try to do everything. This allows it to be super lightweight (even though it’s browser-based) and ridiculously fast.


Another feature I love is that it levels audio between multiple speakers. If you’ve ever recorded multiple speakers separately, you know that getting the audio right takes time. ⏲️

Here’s a quick example I did outside the office with less than ideal conditions illustrating the ability to isolate vocals even in a ridiculously noisy environment: ⬇️ ⬇️

The best part is they currently allow you two hours of uploads per month for FREE! 💰💰



Last week, the Ohio House quietly passed House Bill 466. 🤫


If it passes the Ohio Senate, this makes agency more transparent and standardized, more specifically buyer agency. Meaning, regardless of your affiliation with NAR, we’re all playing by the same rules.


"Ohio REALTORS is thrilled with the passage of HB 466. Establishing a statewide standard for the use of written agreements will improve transparency within the home buying process by informing the consumer of the services to be provided as well as the commission structure. We commend Rep. Schmidt and Rep. Brennan on their work on this important issue and look forward to continuing to make the American dream of homeownership possible for consumers in Ohio,” said President Ali Whitley.

If you want to read the summary, CLICK HERE.


If you want to read the actual bill, CLICK HERE.



It’s funny when you see two messages that aren’t related, correlate to give you clarity.


While writing this section, I saw this post from Jon Cheplak: ⬇️ ⬇️

It resonated because it directly corresponded to the team meeting we had this week on doing video to attract clients who want to work with us vs. the inevitable a-hole client.

This was a strategy Andrew Bayon recently covered:

I’m not sure how else to say it. 


Do the work. Do the videos. Do the right thing. = The business you want. 🫰🫰

[H]ow To:


With the ability of AI growing everyday, your ability to repurpose content is getting easier. We’ve said it over and over again about how you need to be filming videos whether you like it or not. 🙄 We have even discussed repurposing your content quite a few times. What does that process look like? ⬇️⬇️

I love Latasha James and I’ve been watching her since my highschool days when I first decided I wanted to go into marketing and she nails this process. 

What do we do? 🤔


Like Latasha mentions in the video, we love just sitting down and filming long form videos. It is so much easier to just keep talking and let the flow of conversation take over, rather than forcing a show stopping 15 second clip. Let that moment come out on its own. 😊


That is where we start. We sit down and just film, usually for less than 20 minutes. We will have a structure or theme but we typically let the conversation flow whichever direction it wants. 

Once I have that longer clip, I typically will go in and edit depending on how off topic we went. Usually with the longer video, I barely do any editing so if you aren’t a video editing wiz 🪄 just put it on YouTube and skip this step. 


Next I take the long video and throw it into, where it sections off potentially engaging clips for me. Sometimes I’ll play around with the clips, cut them shorter, make them longer, depending on where AI sliced it. I save around 4-5 clips from that 20 minutes and throughout the next two weeks, I push it out on Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. 


You can go even further. 🫢


This is something we do lack in, I admit it. BUT, you can even throw that long form video into AI and pump out written content. I’m talking about email marketing and blogs. Now you’ve got not only two weeks worth of posts but also a few emails to send out to clients. All that marketing in less than 20 minutes. 

If you don’t see the value in that, maybe rethink your marketing efforts. 🤷🏼‍♀️

-Ty Morton