Post About the NAR Settlement

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.


šŸ¤– [T]echnology: Fact or CapCut?

šŸŽ“ [E]ducation/Entertainment: Sales 101

šŸ’Ŗ[C]oaching: Back In Action

šŸ“¹ [H]ow To: Post About the NAR Settlement



Iā€™ve used a number of different video editors over the yearsā€¦first iMovie, then Camtasia, YouTube for stabilization way back in the day, and Descript for the best audioā€”but I recently found myself using CapCut for more and more editing.


Itā€™s lightweight, easy to use, and ridiculously fast. šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


Most recently, I have found that most of the YouTubers I watch have incredible lighting setups.


Typically, they have a really expensive softbox light slightly overhead and then a combination of red/blue or orange/turquoise LED lighting on the sides. This looks and feels expensive. šŸ’°


Can I do it with just an iPhone and CapCut?


Letā€™s find outā€¦

For timeā€™s sake, I used the front-facing camera and no mic.

Hereā€™s the original:

Hereā€™s using Capcut with the relighting function and voice isolation:

Hereā€™s using Descript to make the audio even better:

Verdict: I donā€™t love itā€¦it didnā€™t accomplish exactly what I wanted it to, most likely because I didnā€™t take the time to set everything up perfectly.


However, I believe it has potential and will certainly continue playing with the setup. In the meantime, CapCut is definitely my favorite editing softwareā€¦likely because of its popularity; there are a plethora of videos online showing you how to use it to its potential without needing a phonebook-sized manual (cough Adobe). If nothing else, itā€™s certainly worth a free download on your phone. šŸ‘



Someone is trying to sell us something or does sell us something every day. Itā€™s not our fault. Itā€™s human nature.


Let me explainā€¦ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø


Every day, we are shown hundreds of ads on every platform imaginable. These companies are selling something; otherwise, they wouldnā€™t be paying to advertise to you.


In our industry (or marketing in general), these companies have gotten really freaking good at making whatever they are selling look like an easy button for whatever problem you have in your business.

Itā€™s Sales 101ā€¦illustrate a problem, find your pain points, and offer a solution. šŸ™Œ


As humans, we want an easy button!


Ninja-like strategies might change slightly, but the process is the sameā€¦ šŸ„·


Problem - Solution = Sale.

Now, take that same principle and apply it to your business. Call it an elevator pitch, call it your USP, call it whatever you want, but identify what problem you are solving for a consumer and get really damn good at presenting your solution.


Work on this for more than an hourā€¦more than a dayā€¦likely your entire career.

Even then, youā€™re probably still not going to be an incredible salesperson; most agents arenā€™t. We are guides and instead of selling people something, we need to focus on connecting with them and establishing that we are their trusted guide and resource.


Now, check out the coaching section below and get back to work.



Last week, I wrote about the importance of taking time off and vacation.


Now, itā€™s time to get back in action. šŸŽ¬šŸŽ¬


Iā€™ve preached it before, but what are you going to do today to generate revenue?


Iā€™m keeping this section uber short this week because I want it to be action-based, not a diatribe about mindset.


Go to your notes or grab a sticky note and write down three things youā€™re going to do to generate business TODAY.



Call/Text five people in your sphere

Call/Text five past clients who purchased a home 3-7 years ago

Meet five new people TODAY and give them your card


Real estate isnā€™t rocket science. šŸš€āŒ

Do this daily (M-F), and youā€™ll have made contact with people 3900 times this year. Some will be duplicates, and thatā€™s okay! Keep it simple, stupid!

[H]ow To:


The NAR Settlement is this big elephant in the room šŸ˜ that is just lingering until July. Many agents are saying we shouldnā€™t talk about this with clients until this moment happens. Why add more noise and attention to something that isnā€™t happening until July. Many people have their own takes on this but I think this is entirely the wrong approach.


I can promise you right now more than HALF of your potential clients already know what is going on. You speaking on this wonā€™t be bringing more attention to it because this is already a huge topic.  

One of the big mistakes I am seeing right now are agents going on the defense. Under no circumstances should you be posting defensive content about your commissions. Of course, showcase your value in a positive light. But posting rage posts šŸ˜” about this settlement where all clients can see is not the attitude you want to be portraying. 


What should you be posting? ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø


In terms of content, you donā€™t need to be summarizing what the news is already discussing. What you need to be doing is thinking like your clients. What questions are they going to have regarding this settlement? What is going to impact them? Below is a list of top questions that clients are asking, I recommend creating content surrounding these questions. 


How are you getting compensated?

What is the point of having a buyers agent when I can look up listings myself?

I canā€™t afford to pay a buyers agent and a downpayment

I donā€™t want to sign a buyers agency agreement, why do I have to? 

Why wonā€™t the sellers pay the commission? 


These are the type of questions and concerns you are going to be confronted with and this is the type of content you need to be making. šŸ™Œ Create content surrounding the answers to these questions. Post Q&As on Instagram stories or Facebook, be readily available to answer these questions. 

-Ty Morton