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Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.
šŸ–„ļø[T]echnology: Bare Necessities
šŸ“[E]ducation: Entertainment
šŸ‘©ā€šŸ«[C]oaching: Youā€™re Going to Lose Deals
āœ…[H]ow To: Reach 24,000 People for FREE


A few months ago, I wrote a whole segment on audio šŸŽ¤ and the Anker M650 that I would be purchasing. Hereā€™s my review and recommendation on everything you need to get started with video. 

These are the best mics Iā€™ve ever owned. šŸ‘

Not because theyā€™re the best audio quality, I think my Rode PodMics still win that category.

The Anker Mics just work. šŸ¤·

They sound significantly better than your phoneā€™s microphone, and I can clean it up even more with Descript. All you need to do is plug the receiver into your phone (iPhone or Android!) and press record.šŸ“±

The charging case fits easily into the small pocket of my backpack, and I donā€™t need to worry about extra adapters or wires. 

If youā€™re looking to up your audio game, I highly recommend them.

Next up is a good monopod. ā¬‡ļø

I have a ton of these in different sizes, but I am recommending the one above because it goes to 70ā€ tall. One of my least favorite monopods works fine for seated videos but looks stupid if you try to record anything standing.

Thatā€™s itā€¦thatā€™s literally all you need to really get started with video.You donā€™t NEED any of this to get startedā€¦your content is what matters! Just Do It. POV: Me using a tissue box as a tripod. ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø

[E]ducation: Entertainment

This is the hardest section I have to write every week. I typically try to make the education section real estate specific and tie in Ohio Realtors' content, new forms, pending legislation, etc.

But Iā€™m suffering from writer's block. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

If you have ideas or requestsā€¦please send them to me!

I really do read your replies! šŸ„°

In the meantime, this week weā€™re calling this section Entertainment and this was the most entertaining real estate related video I saw this week:

Againā€¦start doing video!!! 

Kyrs Benyamein got 9,000 + video views and 6 offers on this house (one from a listing video)

Youā€™re going to lose dealsā€¦itā€™s inevitable. šŸ˜„

Itā€™s going to suck. 

But you can hopefully mitigate some of the damage by staying in touch with your database more than you think you should. 

I recently had an agent lose three deals in the same week. šŸ¤Æ 

Their clients drove by a FSBO and decided to buy that FSBO and list their home FSBO as well. Then they had another client sell their home to someone that called them out of the blue.

I know the agent, and they do an amazing job staying in touch with their clients.  

As the phrase goes, ā€Buyers are liars.ā€ - If youā€™re like me, when you walk into a department store and someone asks if there is anything you need help with, I typically reply, ā€œIā€™m good thank you.ā€ āœ‹ 

This is almost identical to the response most online leads and even people in your sphere/database will give. They might even say that theyā€™re 6 months to a year outā€¦unless they find the right houseā€¦with or without you. šŸ¤· 

Thereā€™s no foolproof solution to this dilemma.

The only thing you can do is over-deliver on content and education. ā¬‡ļø 

Make a series of videos on the mistakes that home buyers and sellers make. Tell the horror stories of working with inexperienced agents (donā€™t throw anyone under the bus by nameā€¦I shouldnā€™t have to explain this). One video or email like this one Every. Single. Week. āœ…

It may sound like overkill, but if you establish yourself as the expert, potential buyers and sellers should feel like they canā€™t do it without you, or they will miss out on buyers, the perfect home, and/or $1,000ā€™s.

[H]ow To: 
We have been experimenting with something recently. We showcased it in last week's Tech with Ty but I wanted to highlight it again and dive a little deeper. šŸ¤æ

In the month of May, we wanted to buckle down on our social media. We started posting consistently every single day and our numbers grew 15x the amount we had prior. You read that rightā€¦15x. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ

Prior to this, we were just throwing stuff out there with no real strategy. Maybe we would get around to posting ten times a month, maybe we wouldnā€™t. We werenā€™t holding ourselves accountable and it showed. ā¬‡ļø

For the month of April, we had 1,358 people view our content. In May, we had 23,005 people view our content. And guess what? We are halfway through June and have already beat last monthā€™s numbers at 24,391 people. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

This is all organic by the way. Didnā€™t cost a single cent, just some of our time. āŒšŸ’°

Being consistent works. Holding yourself accountable works.

Would you believe me if I told you we didnā€™t film a single new piece of content during May or June? šŸ˜Š

So how have we been creating content consistently every single day?  

Simple. Recycling. ā™»ļøā™»ļø

Using this great little website called, we have been pulling our old long form videos, cutting it into little bite sized pieces and posting as if it were new.  

I wonā€™t lie to you, we did have a library of over twenty long form videos to choose from. šŸ˜… But, this goes to show you that spending a half hour filming can mean over a month of content.  

Once we had those bite sized clips, we started blasting them on every social media platform that allows video posting.šŸ“± That means YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels and TikTok.  

I never said it wouldnā€™t take work and time, but you canā€™t buy this kind of exposure with print marketing. šŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļø

I am now going to pass this challenge down to you. Sit down once a month, film for thirty minutes, pop those long videos into and post just three videos a week. You will see results, I promise you. šŸ¤ 

If you donā€™t have time to sit down and pop these videos into, let us do it for you. Sign up for our monthly video scripts and video editing service here.

Come see us LIVE and IN PERSON for a FREE Lunch and Learn on Leveraging AI in Real Estate.

-Ty Morton