Tech with Ty

Read, Listen, Learn

🤖[T]echnology:Old GOAT, New Tricks
🎓 [E]ducation/Entertainment:Read, Listen, Learn
💪[C]oaching: Non Negotiable's
📹 [H]ow To: Get People to Show Up


I recently came across a farming letter that I loved. ✉️

The problem was that it was just a screenshot and not an editable document. This meant I would have to rewrite the entire thing and add the specifics that I wanted. 

Curious if it would work, I uploaded the image into ChatGPT and told it which specifics to change. Within 10 seconds, I had a 99% perfect farming letter.

I still tweaked some of the language and design, but damn… 

While more and more AI technologies pop up every day, ChatGPT is still the GOAT and keeps adding new skills to its resume.

If you’re unsure if it can do something, just try it…you’re not going to break it! 🤷

Oh, and screenshot everything ;)

PS. I’ve been playing around more and more with DALL-E (built into ChatGPT) as an image generator, and it’s getting scary good.


I was originally going to type: While I agree with many points regarding transparency, I object to the idea that we should remove buyer agent compensation conversations from the conversation with sellers. 

This is karma for having AI summarizing the article for me.

I only caught it when I was going back through to find his actual quote and realized that’s not actually what he said.

I could have outlined a whole diatribe on why he was wrong, but if you take the time to read his article, it’s pretty spot on. 🎯

The DOJ does not like/want commission sharing.

The stat that was the premise of my rebuttal was directly from NAR:

Approximately 64% of homebuyers in 2024 also had a house to sell. This percentage includes both repeat buyers who are moving from one home to another and those who might be selling investment properties or secondary homes.

While it may not be relevant in a fictitious argument, I think this stat still brings up a good selling point with sellers. ⬇️

If the majority of them are buying houses, do they want to pay the buyer agent commission? Especially when more of them are buying bigger homes than downsizing.

So, this section ended up not being what I thought it would, but I think it still deserves a spot in education.

Take the time to read. Take the time to learn. Take the time to listen. - these skills will make it easier to talk (when it’s time to).


In case you missed it, I did a live town hall with some of the top brokers in the country. 

The takeaways from this were incredible.

From tuning out the noise and becoming the go to expert, to setting your non-negotiables, this is a must watch to set yourself up for success in the second half of 2024 into 2025. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

[H]ow To: With Abby

Alright, I liked looking at Real Estate Mastermind last week for writing ideas, and I’m back doing it again. 

I love the initiative and I like the idea, especially if your demographic is first-time home buyers. A few things came to mind… ⬇️⬇️⬇️

I know it is much easier to sell yourself when you are face to face, BUT the demographic here is first-time home buyers, probably around the ages of 25-35. 👶 You should do it online. I would recommend a LIVE session, whether that be on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok specifically. TikTok will probably get you the most traction, but you will more than likely reach people not in your localized area. When doing anything online, promote it. Share it a month in advance and keep blasting it leading up to the event. 📅 Include a countdown two days before the event.

Know the demographic you are reaching out to. These are first-time home buyers, and they aren’t necessarily looking at Facebook events. They are on TikTok and Instagram. This post also specifically mentions going to a trendy brewery. I see how they were trying to attract a younger crowd by doing this, but are you paying?💰 If you are, mention it. If you aren't, keep the cost of the location in mind. If I’m trying to save for a home, I’m not going to go out of my way to spend extra money, especially on an event where I’m being directly sold to.

Make sure you are active on social media, whether online or in person. 📱 Why does this matter? To put it simply, if I see an event online or even on a flyer and I look them up and see nothing, I’m not going. Who is this person? Do they even know what they are talking about? It gives off a cheap car salesman vibe, and I don’t feel like going out of my way to be sold to.

Consistency is key. I don’t think it has ever happened that someone hosted their first event, and it was a complete success. You have to keep doing it. Maybe offer it monthly or quarterly. Make it known that you do these recurring events so the audience knows this isn’t your first rodeo.

Let's say you only get five people who show up; make them feel welcome and utilize the one-on-one time. Having five people vs. 40 really allows for more interaction and getting to know them. I would even argue having five might give you more of a chance for a lead than 40.

Education is a great way to show off your experience while giving someone something in return. Why do you think we do these emails and webinars? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Look from the perspective of your clients, keep expectations realistic, and, most importantly, plan.

-Ty Morton