Siri on Steroids

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.

  🤖 [T]echnology: Siri on Steroids

🎓 [E]ducation/Entertainment: When Will Rates Drop?

💪[C]oaching: I am Batman

📹 [H]ow To: Restructure your Brand



While Google, Meta, and Microsoft are all crushing it with AI, Apple has been mostly silent. Until this week, when Tim Cook said, “As we look ahead, we will continue to invest in these and other technologies that will shape the future. That includes artificial intelligence, where we continue to spend a tremendous amount of time and effort, and we’re excited to share the details of our ongoing work in that space later this year.”


Apple is the Dark Horse, and I’m here for it. 🐴

I’ve talked about the possibilities of AI assistants, but imagine Siri on steroids.


If you didn’t know, Apple quietly put AI into the iPhone last fall. It was a small inclusion with huge benefits to their large language model. I’m talking about predictive text on the keyboard.

Think about all of the data Apple has from asking Siri to perform billions of tasks.


My lingering question is, will this be a feature of Sir, or will this be a new subscription service from Apple? Think Siri Pro for $9.99/month. Would you pay for it? 🤔

What features would it have to have for you to consider it?

This question keeps me up at night…thinking about the possibilities and capabilities. We’re on the cusp of something completely new, and I don’t think that we’ve even thought of the benefits this type of assistant could provide us on a day-to-day basis. 🤯


Not a day goes by that someone doesn't ask about interest rates. 

There’s been more speculation than ever on what interest rates are going to do this year and how that will affect the real estate market.

Instead of relying on analysts…hear it from the Fed Chair himself, Jerome Powell. ⬇️⬇️

This is 13 minutes and 20 seconds that you need to spend to understand how/why we are where we are and where we’re headed:

Key takeaways:

💼 "With the economy strong like that, we feel like we can approach the question of when to begin to reduce interest rates carefully." 

🔫 The central bank wants to have more ammunition and power to fight a downturn by keeping interest rates a little bit higher. 


📈 The federal government spent $5 trillion to keep the economy afloat after pandemic disruptions. 

📈 Powell explains the odd dynamics of the pandemic causing inflation to spike and then moderate as semiconductor supply came back. 


📉 The Fed was empowered in the Great Depression to regulate the economy by controlling the supply of money and setting interest rates. 


🏢 The value of commercial office buildings is dropping as people work from home, posing a challenge to the balance sheets of banks across the country. 

📉 The US Federal government is on an unsustainable fiscal path, with the debt growing faster than the economy. 


🧠 "We do not consider politics in our decisions. We never do, and we never will."


My friend Todd Stock posted this the other day, and I don’t know who needs to hear it, but not only did I chuckle when I read it, I wholeheartedly believe it.  

Agents sometimes second-guess themselves, and while there is certainly a line between confidence and arrogance (I won’t even say fine line), you’ve got to believe in what you’re doing and selling. 😎

So get out there today and, with confidence, crush it at that listing appointment or networking event.

 Keeping this one short and sweet because Batman is a man of few words, and I think the message is one that deserves cogitation.

[H]ow To:


I’m going to add another item to my list of why I never want to become a real estate agent. You are your own brand. 🙈


Your brand should illustrate who you are in less than ten seconds. I have good news though, you can restructure your brand. Big brands do it all the time. If you don’t like your brand or don’t even really know if you have one, these are the steps I would take to figure out what to do…


Discover your Core Principles 🧠

Recognizing your core values not only helps you line up with the best clients but also conveys exactly what principles are most important to you.  

Differentiate Yourself 😎

In the current real estate landscape, there is an abundance of working agents. Those who actively develop a personal brand tend to achieve greater success compared to others. If you're contemplating how to establish your brand in real estate, focus on building a great social media presence—this could involve maintaining a consistent and captivating Instagram profile or even creating a lively and entertaining TikTok account.

Create Online AND Offline Content 📝

In this era dominated by technology, it's tempting to prioritize digital content over physical. However, brochures, signage, and other offline materials are equally crucial and visually appealing compared to online content. Printed materials can be great in capturing the attention of clients who respond to a straightforward brochure rather than a well edited TikTok video. 

When picking out a real estate agent, clients want someone that they feel comfortable with and trust. Having the experience is great, but if you don’t provide that sense of trust and likability, many potential clients may just find their services elsewhere. 

Listen past Tech with Ty here. ⬇️⬇️

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-Ty Morton