Stay in Touch

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.
🖥️[T]echnology: Create Your Own Adventure?
đź“ť[E]ducation: Stay in Touch
👩‍🏫[C]oaching: Leveraging your Database
âś…[H]ow To: Client Events

I’ve been using Bombbomb to send video emails for years. It’s a simple way to send more personal information than an email or text because as we know in the real estate industry, much of the communication we send is automated.

I stumbled upon a new competitor a few months ago. ⬇️

It was one of those online adventures where I went down the rabbit hole but it was probably 2 am and then couldn’t remember the name of it the next day, and because it was likely a Facebook ad, all of my interaction was using their browser, and not Chrome so I couldn’t easily check my history. 🙄

Then I recently rediscovered videoask.

The idea is solid. đź—ż

The execution is seemingly even better.

The basic premise is that you send your clients or leads a quick video, but rather than simply watching, it takes them on a journey where they can interact. As an older Millennial, it is very much reminiscent of Choose Your Own Adventure but with video. đź“ą

Think of it this way…you could send a new lead quick video asking if they have any interest in the property inquired about online. They’re given two options, yes or no. If yes, they see a second video that asks if they’d like to see it in person or if they’d like you to preview it for them. If not, they see a second video that says something along the lines of, “No worries, I understand you may not be ready yet, but here is a list of the top 10 FAQ’s that I get”. Then it displays all of those options. The options for the journey are unlimited. 👍👍

If you’re currently using videoask, I’d love to have you on an episode of Agent After Hours to learn more! Otherwise, stay tuned as I test it out over the next few months.

Until then, if you’re not sending videos to your clients, leads, and database, start!!!

I’ve posted links to channels and podcasts I frequent, but wanted to come up with a bit of a more inclusive list. ⬇️

First, if you’re not already visiting or KYRealtors at least once a month or subscribed to their email newsletters, DO IT! These are the most important emails and websites regarding legislative and policy changes that you could possibly subscribe to.

Next, stay in touch with your local board offerings. There are plenty of educational offerings and fun events to network with your fellow agents. ✏️

Finally, instead of binge watching the latest Netflix hit, I will challenge you to increase your real estate knowledge by simply watching ONE real estate related video per night. Subscribe to these channels on YouTube TODAY:

Most of the content they post on YouTube will be long form which is perfect for sitting on the couch and giving them a watch in the evening, but give them a quick follow on IG or Facebook for quick hits!

I’m hosting a FREE Lunch and Learn Workshop at Tuesday, May 9th from 11 AM - 1 PM at the Springboro Warped Wing.

At this event, you’ll create your first email series, learn how to use AI to help write them for you, and actually press send. I know it sounds scary, but I promise this will increase your client reach, awareness, and ultimately your bottom line…plus they have drinks ;)

[H]ow To:
One of my favorite things to do for my clients is host appreciation events. A big reason why I love hosting these events can be summarized in one word…conversations. 💬

These events give you an opportunity to build past relationships, maybe have a past client give you the info on a neighbor looking to sell. Odds are your clients will ask you how the market is going first, giving you the opportunity to pitch why now is a great time to buy/sell without you being the first person to mention the opportunity. đź‘Ť

What type of event works best? 

I have done a few myself, and my two favorites are breweries and movie nights. 🍺 đźŽĄ When I say favorites, it’s not because they were necessarily my personal favorites but because they were some of our most successful in terms of attendance.

Last year, we hosted at Southern Ohio Brewery which is a family-friendly spot with a huge outside area for kids to run around and play. We picked a beautiful summer day, had a food truck, and passed out drink tickets. It was a wild success. 🍺 

Movie nights are also another popular option that we get rave reviews about. This option is lower maintenance and doesn’t require a lot of effort. All you need to do is rent out a theater and play a current family-friendly movie. We offer snack vouchers and BOOM done. Super simple, easy, and efficient. 🤗 The only downside is you won’t be talking as much with clients during the movie but if you are out front handing out food vouchers that can easily be fixed. Some other options I have listed below…

  1. Wine Tasting

  2. Coffee Truck

  3. Party in a Park

  4. Pumpkin Patch

  5. Photos with Santa / Easter Bunny

  6. Concerts in a Park

  7. Taco Truck

  8. Trivia Night

  9. Rent out a restaurant or bar

  10. Winter Coat Drive


Here are some tips I would recommend when hosting your first client event… ⬇️

  • Send out your invitations 4-6 weeks before the event date

  • After the initial round of invitations goes out, follow up. Send a reminder email or text, and call anyone who hasn’t RSVP’d within two weeks of the event.

  • Take TONS of photos and videos so you can share them afterward on social media

  • Remember this event is for your clients NOT you. Let them turn the conversation to real estate. And if they never do, that's perfectly fine.

  • Reach out to your business partners—other agents in your brokerage, your lender, your attorney, etc.—to see if they would like to sponsor or co-host your event

C&A Home Team are pros at creating creative events that cater to past clients and give back to the community. I highly suggest watching their video for ideas, from an adult prom to a young entrepreneur day at the park, they are not short of ideas.

Thanks for reading TECH!

Ty Morton