Tech with Ty

The DOJ Speaks

🤖 [T]echnology: Rocket Mortgage is Kicking Our Ass
🎓 [E]ducation/Entertainment: The DOJ Speaks
💪[C]oaching: Day Trading Attention
📹 [H]ow To: Not Care


Rocket Homes, of all companies, has one-upped the likes of Zillow and ⬇️⬇️

From the Rocket Homes Blog: "The Explore Spaces search experience shows a user’s search results by photos of home features they prefer, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and more. With this search experience, home buyers can compare the features of a home they prefer side by side in one place rather than clicking back and forth from tab to tab and browser to browser.

For example, Zia is looking for a home with a chef’s kitchen. Instead of scrolling through a sea of listing photos to find the kitchen photo and evaluate if it’s the aesthetic they’re looking for, Zia simply selects the 'kitchen' option and will now see photos of the kitchen of listings in the search results."

This has resulted in users spending six times longer on their site. That’s an exponential win in the day and age of day trading attention (see below). ⬇️⬇️

But they didn’t stop there… 

They released a CarPlay app! 🤯 This lets buyers search on the go with the click of a button. If a mortgage company is doing better than real estate portals and companies at search, we’ve got to innovate and do better, folks.

Bonus Tech Tip that I’ll investigate more on later: I first saw the Rocket announcement on Inman, but it was paywalled, so I used Google, and the third result was LinkedIn. Time to pay more attention to LinkedIn. 🤓


In its first statement since March, the DOJ made a statement at a status hearing in the Nosalek case.

“We believe offers of compensation should not be made anywhere, but certainly not on the MLS,” said Jessica Leal, an attorney for the department.

While she didn’t comment directly on the NAR settlement, I believe this is a clear warning.

In NAR’s settlement, MLSs will no longer be able to publish offers of co-op compensation, but there is nothing that would forbid sellers and their agents from advertising the willingness to co-op on social media or in yard signs. 🤷

Jared James made the post above, and I wholeheartedly agree, but it seems like the DOJ doesn’t want co-op compensation even in listing agreements.

All eyes and ears are now on the DOJ. 👀👂

Regardless, that post got a ton of engagement. Check out the coaching section below to learn how to day trade attention like this. 


Gary Vaynerchuk just released his latest book, “Day Trading Attention.” While I’m only about a third of the way into it, I’ve already written down pages of notes. 🖊️

One of my biggest takeaways is that it’s easy to act like a boardroom exec.

It’s easy to say no. 🙅‍♂️

Chipotle has recently been all over TikTok, and not in a good way.


Chipotle taste test 💕 would you try it ? 💕#foodcritic

Once beloved by the younger generations, customers are posting videos of skimpy portions, and the posts are going viral with savage responses.

Chipotle’s only response: “We haven’t changed anything.”

Chipotle is missing an opportunity here to lean into the fact that they’re trending and invite influencers to come prove the rumors wrong. I’m talking SNL-style skits…the whole shebang. 💥

Instead, they’ve been silent. 🤫

It reminds me of the movie BIG, where all of the corporate cronies are pitching toys that kids don’t want.

So ask the customers (clients) questions like “Where do you want to live?,” “What’s the most important feature you’re looking for in your next home?” These types of posts drive engagement and allow you to create additional content. 

I found it interesting and somewhat comical that the only reason Gary does a podcast is for the Reels and social content.

But it completely makes sense if you’re day trading attention.

Ask more questions. Post more content. Get outside your comfort zone to figure out what works. 🤷

[H]ow To: With Abby

Branching off from that last comment, let's talk about getting out of your comfort zone. How do you just start posting? How do you get over the fear of people judging you? I’m not a psychologist, sadly 😭, so I can’t really give advice on how to not care what people think. I can tell you how to start posting, though. 🤷🏼‍♀️

To start off, how much time do you have, and how involved do you want to be?

Pick your poison. ☠️

Not involved at all: $$$

  • Hire a social media marketer. (Me 😉 or look into Fiverr or Upwork)

  • Hire a videographer/editor.

  • Film videos and take photos to add a personal touch to your content.

  • Let them do their thing.

  • Wait three months and review results. Talk with your social media marketer about the results you want to see. Strategize.

In terms of cost, I would say on the lower end, a social media marketer doing everything—creating content, posting, engagement, etc.—probably will cost you $500 a month or more. A videographer with video editing will probably cost around $500 per video, if not more. All varies on what you want really.

I want to be involved a little: $$

  • Buy content off Etsy or Agent After Hours (shameless plug 😉). Use Facebook Creator Studio to schedule posts for free. I recommend posting during the following times:

    • Monday - Friday: 8 AM, 11 AM, Noon, 8 PM

    • Saturday: 9 AM - 11 AM

    • Sunday: 8 PM

  • Film your own videos and let someone else do the editing. Check out Video Magnet ;) (I’m sorry, I have to plug or I’ll be fired) jk, it really is a steal of a service. 😆

  • If you need ideas for content, ask ChatGPT, or message us! Don’t worry, I won’t charge you for asking for ideas. 😆😆😆

I want full control: $

  • Start by creating your own content. I recommend looking for ideas on Pinterest; just type "real estate marketing" and you’ll get tons of inspiration. I highly recommend buying a Canva Pro membership. They do have a free option, but I really can’t recommend Pro enough. 👍

  • Film your videos. Just use your iPhone (or Android, barf 🤮), sit in your car, and film away.

  • Edit your videos. (One of the big reasons I recommend hiring an editor is purely because I cannot stand the sound of my own voice but to each their own.) I recommend CapCut; they are entirely free and their effects, title cards, and transitions are unmatched.

  • Throw your video into Auphonic for a free audio enhancer.

  • Post away (see above for the best times to post).

  • Again, if you need ideas for content, ask ChatGPT, or message us! Don’t worry, I won’t charge you for asking for ideas. 😆😆😆


This is a very condensed version, but at least you can get an idea of costs and time. I always like something in the middle to start, but I know much of this depends on each individual person's time and money.

Last tidbit: with marketing, you usually get what you pay for. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Typically, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. If someone says they can get you 100 leads and 10,000 subscribers for $20, they are probably full of 💩💩💩💩. Don’t fall for scams please.

-Ty Morton