The Ultimate 90 Day Client Campaign

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.

šŸ¤– [T]echnology: I Still Hate Android
šŸŽ“ [E]ducation/Entertainment: Beating A Dead Horse
šŸ’Ŗ[C]oaching: The Ultimate 90 Day Client Campaign
šŸ“¹ [H]ow To: Write a Amazing Newsletter Every Week

Last week, Google announced its new Pixel 8.

While I typically donā€™t cover Android devices because I loathe them, šŸ˜© I do follow Marques Brownlee because heā€™s a YouTube genius, and I respect his opinion.

Hereā€™s his review of the new Pixel 8:

While Iā€™m still happy with my iPhone 15 Pro Max, this did get me thinking about the future of real estate photography. šŸ“·

I truly believe that with the introduction of AI to photo editing, weā€™re going to have print-ready real estate photos available from your phone. This isnā€™t revolutionary, I even created an app prior to the pandemic that would allow you to take bracketed photos similar to the new Box Brownie App. However, I had a chance to catch up with Brad Filliponi, the co-founder of Box Brownie, in Chicago, and I asked if they were still manually editing photosā€¦he kind of smirked and said, ā€œFor now.ā€ šŸ˜

Never stop learning moment: Learn how to use your phoneā€™s camera to a high level. There are so many apps and features that can literally make you look like a pro in less than an hour. Oh, and AI is going to do the rest for you.

Beating the dead horsešŸŽā€¦you need to be prepared to sell your value as a buyer agent.

While companies like Anywhere and RE/MAX have settled (pending the Judge signing off on the settlement agreements), this doesnā€™t mean weā€™re going to continue practicing real estate the way we have for the last 30+ years. 

Buyer/Broker agreements WILL BECOME THE NORM.

While the NAR has been in the news a lot lately (not all positive), šŸ‘Ž they also have some incredible materials at your disposal that are a great starting point for agents or brokers.

Check out:

Not only should you become familiar with 179-based items to counter the ā€œI donā€™t need an agent to buy a home,ā€ but youā€™ve also got 179 different pieces of content that you can make surrounding each one of these bullet points.

Itā€™s not often that Iā€™m blown away by a marketing plan, but Andrew Bayon has created a surefire way to close out your 2023 on top.

Is it for the lazy agent? Absolutely not. āŒ

However, if you want to know exactly what to do and what to do EVERY. SINGLE. DAY for the next 30-90 days, you need to check this out:

Did I mention that he has a newsletter like this one with more great content? ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø

You play golf with better golfersā›³, and Iā€™m lucky enough to not only have seen Andrew speak at a Curaytor Conference but also be in a private Facebook Group with him.

My advice for this weekā€™s coaching cornerā€¦follow his 30-90 day campaign to a T. (My team is going toā€¦this is also a test to see if they actually read this)

[H]ow To:

With all the technology out there now, you have to think to yourself, what is the point of sending email newsletters? Does anyone actually read them? āœ…

Well, youā€™re reading this right now, right? Email is working out great for us (70%+ open rate every week), and I promise you it will work out great for you, too.

Here are some key steps to get yourself startedā€¦

  1. Reliability: Get yourself on a set schedule to send out emails. šŸ•¤Every week, we send this email out on Thursdays around 2 p.m. No matter what is going on or how busy the week has been, we make that time. I think out of the 39 weeks we have been doing this, we have only had to postpone MAYBE twice. You expect this email on those days, and you look for it. We donā€™t send at random, and that expectancy drives our open rate.


  2. Structure: Make sure your email has a structure or theme each day or week. Donā€™t send out random content without a recurring theme. Whether that is sending a market update every Monday or writing about current events on Wednesdays, make sure there is a structure and theme to what you are writing. For us, we do the acronym TECH each week. You expect it and know what content you will be getting from us. šŸ™Œ


  3. Utilize ChatGPT: You have heard us preach this every week, and I donā€™t want to let you down, so we are bringing it up again. If you are having a brain fart šŸŒ¬ļø or donā€™t know where to start writing, USE AI. Once ChatGPT starts you off, your words and ideas follow right behind. Again, garbage in, garbage out. Treat ChatGPT like your writing buddy. If you donā€™t like the wording it gave you, let it know. If you want the content to be more light-hearted, tell it.


  4. Keep it Current: When trying to come up with topics to write about, relevancy is key. šŸ“… If you write about an article from five years ago that has no relation to what is going on right now, why should anyone care? Your clients want current updates, not outdated information. That means summarizing the current market, telling them the best places to look for pumpkins in October, what is going on locally this weekend, or the best Pubs to go to during St. Patrick's DayšŸ€. This is the same principle as to why you donā€™t see Christmas commercials in September. It isnā€™t on people's minds, so they donā€™t care.


  5. Engage: Whether you include a call to action or ask an open-ended question, encourage engagement with your audience. Offer downloadable E-books, partner with a local eatery and offer a discount, encourage feedback, or offer specific seminars or courses geared towards your demographic. If you donā€™t like these ideas, ask ChatGPT for more. šŸ¤·

Writing a great newsletter isnā€™t that hard. It just takes consistency and diving into your client's brain. šŸ¤æ Think like them. What do they want from you? Start brainstorming from there.

 -Ty Morton