Use What's Useful

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.


Happy Valentine's Day!

🖥️[T]echnology: Use What's Useful

📝[E]ducation: Be Evergreen

👩‍🏫[C]oaching: It’s the Simple Things

[H]ow To: Create a Giveaway


Tech comes naturally to me. 🤷‍♂️

Sometimes I have a really hard time coming up with what I think is relevant enough to share in this section.

My wife says I have “Triple S”...Shiny. Shhhttuff. Syndrome.

She’s 💯% correct.

One of those things I took for granted is the Apple Pencil.✏️ I love using whiteboards for brainstorming and mapping workflows, and the Apple Pencil allows me to get that same creative flow on the go that I don’t get simply from typing. However, for speed, typing is king. 🙏 

Except when it’s not.

When you’re walking through a home with a client, setting your iPad down to type out notes looks and feels ridiculous. The problem is that my chicken scratch is illegible, mostly to anyone but me. 😢 Here’s where the Apple Pencil and probably that Galaxy Note Pen thing (sorry not sorry…not an Android Guy).

iPad + Pencil + Notes = Awesome ✨✨

The best part about an iOS update that happened awhile back was the ability to turn chicken scratch into actual text. This allows me to actually turn my notes into shareable files. 🤯 If I’m on the phone and scratch down notes, I can easily share those notes with an admin or team member to input into our CRM. Same thing if I’m walking through a new listing. Those notes can become useful when using ChatGPT for our listing descriptions.

I see A LOT of people using the sexy Remarkable Tablets, but I really don’t need another ecosystem to learn (READ: and my wife might kill me) and try to integrate with one I already have and am proficient at using. 👏

Not an affiliate link but the Pencil is on sale right now.


Part of teaching is that you never stop learning.

I’ve always said that if I wasn’t in real estate, I’d be a teacher.👨‍🏫👨‍🏫

As a real estate broker, I kinda get to do both!

After nearly 20 years in the business and as a broker for 16 years, to say I’ve seen it all would be both an understatement and a falsehood. Every day, a new issue pops up that I must learn from. If it’s a mistake, we don’t call it a “mistake”; we call it “tuition.”

Typically I’ll make a quick video or do a “What If?” session with Attorney Anne Taylor.

This helps me educate other agents, and acts as a library for future reference. -This is called “Evergreen Content”.

But I believe the term Evergreen can have two meanings.

  1. It’s forever relevant content. Content that can stay up on your website or Youtube for years. Unlike a seasonal video or market update that needs replaced more often than your Realtor headshot.

  2. You, yourself, should be evergreen, meaning new. You’re never too old to learn new tricks, and you haven’t seen it all. Be willing to learn!⬅️⬅️

Now take those concepts and apply them to your own business. Take things that you learned from your most recent CE class, or from a recent transaction and create a “Storytime” video. These types of videos are hugely popular on every social platform and act to help you build a library of knowledge.

People will work with you if they know, like, and trust you.

By creating Evergreen Content in the form of Storytime, you’re allowing the consumer to get to know you even if they’ve never met you, like you (not everyone is going to like your personality, but you don’t want to work with them anyway), and trust you as a knowledgeable advisor. 💯

So take what you know and start sharing. Be Google for your clients and consumers before they Google it. If you don’t, they’ll find that information elsewhere.


Sometimes it’s the simple things. 🏖️

Last week I wrote about automating your business so that you can take a sick day.

One of the simplest things you can do is get a Calendly link This probably could fall under the “Technology” section of this email, but it’s more the concept than the actual tech. 🤔 If I don’t have something on my calendar, it doesn’t exist…and I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s ever missed an appointment.

We’ve all had those days, especially when you’re showing 32 house and juggling 8 offers on a single property. 😰 Sometimes I don’t even know what my schedule is until my phone dings with a notification that I have an upcoming appointment.

🤯 No more back and forth to see what times they’re available and whether or not you can fit it in your schedule.


Little tweaks like this can vastly improve your efficiency. A task that would normally take a phone call or six text messages back and forth now takes one.

Want FREE analysis on how to automate your business and improve efficiency?

[H]ow To:

In real estate, building relationships is the name of the game. You know a good way to build a relationship…free stuff.🆓🆓 Doing a giveaway gives you an opportunity to show your appreciation and engage with potential clients.

You won’t even have to break the bank on this one.💰 By investing a relatively small amount of time and money, you can reap the rewards of increased exposure.

How do you ensure your giveaway is successful? 😰😰

First things first, what’s in this for you? Obviously you want to gain a lead and make money. But we have to take a step back first. Are you wanting increased engagement, exposure, or more of a following on social media?

You have a clear goal in mind, now where are you posting? Unlike other forms of digital marketing, I recommend posting this on a select few sites rather than spreading the content throughout. Simply because if you have one item to giveaway and you’re posting it on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, it might be a tad bit difficult to keep up with. I recommend only using Instagram and Facebook. ⬅️⬅️

What are you going to giveaway? The prize should be something your target audience would want to win. Are your clients mostly families? First time home-buyers? Retirees? 🤔 This will determine if you are wanting to giveaway a bottle of bourbon 🥃 or a free round of putt-putt golf. 🏌️‍♂️

Time to promote and post. When posting, make sure the rules are very clear and simple. If you ask for people to do too much they might not even bother with submitting an entry. A simple share and comment tagging a friend is always a good go to. 👏 Pair your post with an eye-catching graphic or picture (or better yet do a video) along with hashtags.🤗

Now for the best part, picking the winner. Keep track of everyone who followed the rules of submission and throw those names into “Wheel of Names” and boom it’ll randomly select a winner for you. Now film a video announcing your winner and message them with a way to deliver their prize. 🎁

Don’t limit yourself to only doing social media giveaways, I’ve sponsored plenty of sporting events and a simple QR code is THE BEST WAY to start adding contacts to your database. Check out a video of me breaking it down here.

🛑 Don’t forget to check out the replay of our “Future of AI in Real Estate” 

Thanks for reading TECH!

Ty Morton