Work Hard. Be Nice

🤖 [T]echnology: I've got a solution...
🎓 [E]ducation/Entertainment: Must Read Articles
💪[C]oaching Critique: Work Hard. Be Nice.
📹 [H]ow To: Create a Killer Listing Presentation


 By the time you’re reading this, I’ll have just returned from Chicago and actually met with the guys from 😊

This is a pretty neat tool to create 2D floor plans for listings.

According to, listings with a floor plan increase click-throughs from buyers by 52%. 🤯

That’s actually a huge increase.

I know some of the stuff I share seems way harder than entry level tech, but this one is pretty straight forward…download the app, follow the instructions, and start scanning!

Every scan includes: ⬇️⬇️⬇️

  • Basic floor plan

  • Total square footage

  • Styling support

  • Room dimensions

  • 24h delivery

  • Home report

So if you’re not in the habit of utilizing 3D Tours like Matterport, or maybe have a listing that wouldn’t show as well (you know the ones with a bunch of stuff shoved in the corner), Cubicasa might be a great solution for you!

The best part…everything I listed above is 100% FREE on homes up to 5,000sqft! 😊

[E]ducation: Entertainment/Education

As I’ve previously mentioned, this is the hardest section I write.


Education isn’t fun and sexy, but I believe is one of the biggest thing lacking in our industry. Rather than regurgitate one of the many articles I’ve recently read (remember I’m traveling this week). Here are 4 must reads:

[C]oaching Critique:

This week’s Coaching section is more of a critique of recent actions, so I’ve temporarily renamed it. 🤷🤷

It’s not every day, but every now and then, I see an agent make things harder than they need to be.

I understand and fully support working in the best interest of your clients, but some agents simply make things difficult for no other reason than to be “right.” 😤

I’m honestly not sure what this complex is all about other than trying to win?

At the end of the day, we’re all working towards a common goal…to get to the closing table.💰 

Sometimes agents let their egos get in the way and jeopardize the deal over minuscule issues.

The agents reading this probably aren’t the ones that need to hear it, but remove your emotions from the transaction. 😠🤗😥

Don’t immediately react flippantly when something isn’t going your way or another agent gives you bad news. Instead, have a calm conversation with your client and relay the information. They may react more amenably than you think. If they don’t, now you can go back to the other agent with their response instead of a knee-jerk reaction.

Work Hard. Be Nice. 🫶🫶

[H]ow To:

Listing appointments can be stressful. 😨 This is the time to showcase all your best assets and show your future clients why they should pick you above anyone else.  

What should you bring? ⬇️⬇️

  1. Listing presentation

  2. Comparative market analysis

  3. Example of marketing materials from previous listings

  4. Appointment agenda

  5. Sample listing agreement

  6. Tablet, laptop or notebook  

What should you include in the listing presentation? ⬇️⬇️

A listing presentation is essentially your elevator pitch. 🛗 I would recommend creating your presentation on either Google Slides, Powerpoint or through Canva. There are plenty of professionally designed templates free to use. My favorite place to look is If you want a paper buyers / sellers guide to let your clients take home. We have some options here.

Make sure the slideshow is clear, easy to read and a summary of what you are going over. Don’t add paragraphs of information on each slide.

There are some key elements you should include on your listing presentation.  ⬇️⬇️

  • Listing price of the home

  • Justification for listing price

  • Interior / exterior upgrades

  • Staging

  • Other remodels or relevant fixes

  • Pre-sale events

  • Marketing techniques

  • Sales timeline

  • Answer FAQs

  • Personal statistics

Your future clients should be leaving this appointment as comfortable as possible. Ask them questions, when do they want to list? Where are you looking to move? Are their issues with your home? How much money do you still owe on your mortgage? 🤔🤔

Between setting up the listing appointment and going to the listing appointment you need to be sending them a personalized welcome video reassuring them of the experience to come. 📹

The morning of your appointment you should do the same thing again. Send them a video, reassuring them and confirming time and location.

BE ON TIME.  Nothing is worse than being late, especially when meeting for the first time.

BE CONFIDENT. Visualize before going into the appointment talking with these exact clients. Know who they are and what they will be looking forward to hearing.👂 If you come across nervous and unsure of yourself, your clients will feel that. =

You won’t nail every single listing appointment, you’re only human. But preparing and practicing will help you feel more comfortable going in.

- Ty Morton