Work your Niche

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.
🖥️[T]echnology: Conjunction Junction
📝[E]ducation: Always Look to Improve
👩‍🏫[C]oaching: Work Smarter, Not Harder
[H]ow To: Work your Niche


I’m fairly confident I mentioned using Grammarly in one of my past emails and just wanted to give you a quick update. ⬇️

I have no idea how I lived without it. Actually, I do but my writing must have been horrendous. 😱😱

Here are my most recent stats: ⬇️⬇️

As you can see, my mastery is nothing to write home about.

Would I buy it again?

Absolutely. 👏👏

If you’re like me and you’d rather record a video than write down anything. Give a shot. It will not only improve your writing by telling you exactly why you suck, but hopefully, you’ll start learning from some of those mistakes.

As you know, I’m a huge proponent of “Never. Stop. Learning.🧠🧠

As mentioned above, I’m a huge proponent of “Never. Stop. Learning.”

However, I’m also a big fan of creating my own mad scientist-like experiments and learning from them. 🧠🧪🧠🧪

A few weeks ago, I sent out a Tech with Ty that talked about the value of your database and how you should be emailing them on a regular basis.

What I was most curious about was the effect of time/day on email sends.

Here are the results from my four most recent campaigns:⬇️⬇️

So in my non-scientific study, which includes more than just the four emails above, I’ve come to the conclusion that you should be sending mass emails on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 2-3PM. 👍

When I send on Thursdays, my numbers go down by about 17% and the closer I am to 4PM, my numbers go down even more.

If you’re interested in geeking out even more. Here are some additional insights.

I’ll let you know my results when I actually follow the directions from the link above 🤦🤦 

Oh, and before you start spamming away. Make sure you run your database through This will remove people that click on SPAM regardless of how much they love you and your content.

Want to find out how to accomplish an email routine?

Read below ⬇️⬇️


Consistency is hard.😢

It’s literally the hardest part of this business.

There are days when I don’t want to write these emails. ❌❌

Just like I’m sure there are days that you don’t want to "insert prospecting task".

The real estate business can be relentless. 😠 We’ve all been there…weeks when you can’t say no. 60+ hour work weeks that never seem to end.

The hustle or grind has become synonymous with success. Unfortunately, too many agents hear the Gary V’s of the world but forget a crucial step, organization.

I’m certainly not perfect at it, but my brother challenged me years ago when I was just a baby real estate agent to wake up and ask, “How am I going to make money today.”💰 That question has stuck with me for nearly 20 years. Agents are notorious for ignoring prospecting, social media, and marketing when they get busy. Studies even suggest that you’re less productive when you multitask. 

Think you’re a rockstar that this doesn’t apply to? 🙄 Set a timer and try writing down the alphabet and then the numbers 1-26 on a sheet of paper. Now try writing every letter followed by a number e.g. A, 1, B, 2, C, 3, etc. I promise your time trying to multitask will be significantly worse.

This falls right in line with past emails I’ve sent on systemizing your business, but time blocking could be the difference between missing time with your friends or family and burning out, or creating a business that you can actually take a vacation from. 🏖️

It may feel like you have 3,000 things to do tomorrow but what are the top three things you need to do? This is the question that has made the biggest impact on my business. It simplifies an otherwise never-ending task list and it’s the first thing I try to complete in the morning. This will free up the rest of your day for appointments, LUNCH, non-pressing tasks, and things you actually enjoy doing.

You probably already guessed, but at least one of the things on that list is a money-making activity. 💰💰💰

So before you go to bed tonight, write down the three things that you absolutely must do tomorrow either in a planner or in a checklist on your phone.

[H]ow To:
First and foremost, ask yourself what is your niche? 🤔 If you can’t answer in less than ten seconds then you are going to need to really sit down and think about your business.

The #1 rule of marketing is to know your audience. How are you expected to promote your services if you don’t even know who your audience is? 💯

Some examples of classic niches are…

  1. Farms, Ranches, or Equestrian Properties

  2. Seller / Buyer Representative Specialty

  3. Green Housing

  4. FSBO

  5. Veterans

  6. Relocation Services

  7. Empty Nesters

  8. Military Families

  9. First Time Home Buyers

  10. New Construction

    By niching down, this will allow you to become the “expert” in a certain area. 😊 Becoming an expert will open many doors for your clients, as well as word of mouth amongst these selected groups. 🗯️

You have your niche, now what?

  1. Start building a network. Attend events related to your niche where you might meet potential clients, connect with other agents who might specialize in your niche, and build relationships with any potential external resources that will benefit your client. 🤝

  2. Start marketing. Once you know your audience, marketing comes much easier. Think about your clients, start branding towards them, film knowledgeable videos geared towards your niche, organize client events, and start posting on social media. 📱

  3. Focus on your clients. With any niche, word of mouth is the key to gaining new clients. Everyone usually knows someone else in the same niche. Make sure you are putting on a great impression, that way the word of mouth they are sharing is positive and not something that will hinder your business. 💌

    Last year, I got to sit down with Ginger Poore, someone who really knows her niche and how to utilize it for her business.

Thanks for reading TECH!
Ty Morton