Zillow is Suing the MLS?

Tech with Ty

Tech with Ty.

šŸ¤– [T]echnology: Weā€™re Not the Jetsonsā€¦yet
šŸŽ“ [E]ducation/Entertainment: Zillow is Suing the MLS?
šŸ’Ŗ[C]oaching: New Years Resolutions are BS
šŸ“¹ [H]ow To: Evolve your Brand


Itā€™s easy to make tech predictions. In 1940, Henry Ford predicted flying cars. The Jetsons made us daydream of flying cars and robot housekeepers. šŸ¤–

Today, the closest thing we have is a Roomba.

While many homes in the US have automatic vacuums, we are far from flying carsā€¦or are we? Check out The Jetson One. 

Imagine how quickly you could get across town for showings!

Itā€™s fun to dream about emerging technologies and flying carsā€¦here are a few that I think will come to fruition in 2024.

With the evolution of AI, weā€™re seeing quantum leaps in everything from AI photo/video creation to medical analysis. 

AI can digest massive amounts of data in milliseconds that would otherwise take humans years, if not decades, to discern. šŸ¤Æ

I believe that this year, you will see Siri and Google Assistant become actual assistants. Theyā€™ll be able to take notes for you and schedule appointments with multiple parties. Theyā€™ll be able to handle tasks ordering takeout or making dinner reservations.

Imagine them auto-populating a text to wish your clients a happy birthday or home anniversary.

The media world will change forever. Youā€™re going to see AI photo editing take center stage. Even terrible photos that your Aunt Ethel took will look amazing. Video editing will become a true one-click and doneā€¦it will automatically choose the best clips and a perfectly produced video. šŸ“¹

Imagine shooting all of the content on a listing, a neighborhood, or a local attraction on your phone, telling AI what you want from it, and getting the result you dreamed of.

AI is getting so goodā€¦imagine telling it that you want a podcast about tech news today, and it could curate all of the recent news into a podcast with your favorite podcaster voice.

Now imagine that for a real estate searchā€¦ 

I love daydreaming about this stuffšŸ’­, but Iā€™m even more excited that I think most of it will come to fruition in 2024.


TLDR: Zillow is basically saying that the MLS is anti-competitive by adopting its own showing management platform.

This is confusing to me on so many levels. šŸ˜•šŸ˜• 

I donā€™t understand how they can say the MLS, which is typically owned by the board, which is owned by the members, is being anticompetitive by creating their own software to do something they would otherwise pay for. I can only assume that some brokers want to continue using Showingtime and that access is being removed.

But lawsuits are expensive. āš–ļø

So why would they care so much? 

Again, Iā€™m not a lawyer, but I can only assume this is because they want the data.

Zillow already has the data for all of the listings and solds. They are a licensed brokerage and, therefore, have the right to access that data, just like you and me.


Showing data ads a whole nother level of data that is the missing link between the Followup Boss, Dotloop, and MLS data. šŸ–„ļø 

Zillow is tracking consumerism from online lead (FUB), to showings (Showingtime), to under contract (Dotloop), to sold (MLS data).

This gives Zillow a superior competitive advantage over every other broker on the planet, so much so that theyā€™re willing to spend big bucks to fight for it.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out, but I find it comical that they are suing for anticompetitive practices to achieve a competitive advantage. 

Stay tuned.


Millions of Americans are starting their New Yearā€™s resolutions. Most will quit working out or doing a dry January in the next 30 days. šŸ•˜

Typically, resolutions are because you want to make a change to better yourself whether itā€™s earning more money or dropping a few lbs.

Itā€™s easy to say youā€™re going to do something. 

Itā€™s easy to start doing something.  

Itā€™s very hard to create a new habit

The whole ā€œit takes 21 daysā€ thing sounds good, but it is actually a myth. A European study shows it actually takes about two months. 66 days, to be exact.

You have to want it. šŸ¤Œ

And I donā€™t mean just saying, ā€œI want to earn X or I want to lose 10lbsā€. You have to be willing to sacrifice watching TV or that extra cookie from your Aunt Ethel (I had to make it up to Aunt Ethel after poking fun at her photo skills - weird how the brain works since I donā€™t actually have an Aunt Ethel). 

What are you willing to give up to achieve the results that you seek?

Itā€™s easy to fall back into old habits because itā€™s comfortable and easy. šŸ˜Œ

Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m not guilty of this at all.

Iā€™m publicly writing in this email that Iā€™m going to commit to going to the gym at least three days per week for the next year. 

Hold me accountable. šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ

Now, go find your own accounta-billa-buddy and get started!

[H]ow To:

If you are someone who has been in the digital space for a while or even just the past year, it is very important to take a step back and view your brand as a whole. šŸ”“

Look at the top content creators out there, Mr. Beast, Jake Paul, Alex Cooper, or Marques Brownlee, what do they all have in common? Their brands are completely different from what they were when they first started out. Alex Cooper started out at Barstool and has taken her brand away from that and recently partnered with Alix Earle. Mr. Beast started with Minecraft videos and has evolved into something completely different. 

Social media evolves constantly, and with that, so do trends and what is relevant. You have to take moments of reflection and see what isnā€™t working. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again without evolving with the times, youā€™ll never grow. šŸŖ“

Obviously, we arenā€™t Mr. Beast here, but the message still remains important. Do you want to stay relevant to potential clients? Do you want to gain leads through your efforts? Then, you have to make sure you are constantly growing. šŸŖ“šŸŖ“ 

What steps do you take to make sure you are evolving? 

  1. Look at what efforts you are taking that arenā€™t paying off. Are you on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and you are finding that Instagram isnā€™t giving you the results you want? Take a break. Stop feeding your time into something that isnā€™t giving you anything in return. šŸ’° Use that time on the platforms that are working. 


  2. Stalk other real estate creators. What content are they doing that they are seeing success in? There is nothing wrong with learning from other people. Obviously, donā€™t copy their exact methods, but create your own take. 


  3. Perform a SWOT. Look at your brand as a whole and see exactly what you are working with. If you arenā€™t familiar with SWOT, it is the best way to analyze your brand. Get a piece of paper out and jot down your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This will usually give you a great start on idea creation and where to take your digital marketing in 2024. šŸ“± 

Listen past Tech with Ty here. ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø

Visit AgentAfterHours.com for more information and the latest real estate technology, education, coaching, and how to guides.

-Ty Morton